

Žinutės: 954
Nuotraukos: 1003
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2013-07-24
FICC atsiunte maketa musu klubo korteliu. Lauksim jau pagamintu
Žinutės: 318
Nuotraukos: 28
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2015-08-08
Žinutės: 423
Nuotraukos: 0
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2016-03-01
Tai gal korteles gausim iki sezono atidarymo? Beje, bus nevardines tik su klubo logotipu?
Žinutės: 954
Nuotraukos: 1003
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2013-07-24
Sake per gruodi sausi ir vasari issiuntines visiems klubams. Bus galimybe vardines uzsakyti kitais metais 2021m sezonui. Sitos nevardines tik su musu logotipu ir reikes  turbut uzrasyti ant ju kazkokius duomenis  bet sitos info dar neturim.
Pasitarsiu su Aurimu kaip galima butu ikelti info is F.I.C.C. nes jie pradejo siusti i emaila. 
  Korteles VSi Kemperiu klubo nariams nieko nekainuos. Kiti irgi gales isigyti nors uzsakytas ribotas kiekis bet galite parasyti kam reikes. 
Žinutės: 954
Nuotraukos: 1003
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2013-07-24
Žinutės: 318
Nuotraukos: 28
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2015-08-08
Žinutės: 954
Nuotraukos: 1003
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2013-07-24
Žinutės: 954
Nuotraukos: 1003
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2013-07-24
All Council Members attended the Meeting apart from Mr. Picilli (he sent apologies) 
The Agenda was adopted unanimously.
MinutesThe Minutes of the Council meeting held in Châteaubriant / France on 30th of July 2019 were unanimously approved. 
FinancesPayment reminders were sent to some clubs and federations along with the unpaid invoices. 
Revised budget 2020/2021The General Assembly 2019 agreed to approve the budget proposal for 2020 and to make the corresponding adjustments at the General Assembly 2020 in Rome.
RalliesRally France 2019At the 88th International F.I.C.C. Rally in Châteaubriant participated 859 people (451 units) from 45 clubs/federations, from 26 countries. 
The Mayor's Office of the Municipality of Châteaubriant sent a letter of acknowledgment and appreciation to the F.I.C.C. management for organizing this rally. 
Rally Japan 2019468 F.I.C.C. members participated at the 89th International F.I.C.C. Rally in Fukushima / Japan. Including local members, 800 participants were counted.
Rally Italy 2020ACTItalia informed about a schedule of locations and dates where campers and caravans can stop on their way to the 90th International F.I.C.C. Rally in Rome/ Ostia.  At these sites gastronomic events and musical entertainment will be organized for the participants of the Rally. ACTItalia also entered into agreements with shipping companies for the participants who will arrive by sea from Spain and Portugal, Sardinia, Croatia and Greece.
Rally Ireland 2021The Irish Camping and Caravan Club decided to withdraw from the organisation and running of the 91st International F.I.C.C. Rally due to the short -time withdrawal of Naas Racecourse near Dublin, venue that was chosen to host the Rally programmed from 29th of July to 07th of August 2021.The Council regrets this cancellation.The reason being that when another organiser is decided on the 91st International F.I.C.C. Rally name will transfer to them.
Rally Russia 2022The Rally Commission is planning to visit the venue of the 92nd International F.I.C.C. near Moscow in May 2020. 
Future Rally candidaciesThe F.I.C.C. secretariat didn't receive any application for future rallies (after 2022) till today. 
Asia Pacific Rally Fulong / TaiwanThe 20th F.I.C.C. Asia Pacific Rally is confirmed for the period from 30th of April to 4th of May 2020 in Fulong / Taiwan.
Future Asia Pacific RalliesKorea Camping & Caravanning Federation is intending to organize a friendship rally between North and South Korea.
In May 2020 it will be decided which club / federation will organize the Asia Pacific Rally 2021.
As the 93rd International F.I.C.C. Rally 2022 is planned in Shanghai/ China, no Asia Pacific Rally should take place in this year.
Youth RalliesThe 70th International F.I.C.C. Youth Rally is being organized by Federação de Campismo e Montanhismo de Portugal and will take place in Coimbra /Portugal from 8th to 12th of April 2020.
Events under Patronage The Nordic Camping Rally 2020 will be held from 6th to 10th of July 2020 in Rauhalahti (Kuopio) Finland.
Statutes and Rules of ProcedureA change in the F.I.C.C. Statutes is inevitable, as they have to be adapted to the new legislation that came into force in Belgium in May 2019.First meetings with a lawyer’s office, which is specialized in non-profit organizations based in Belgium, have already taken place in Brussels. 
Regarding the elections of the new Council and the new president taking place in Rome this year, the Council decided unanimously to point out that the candidate must be proficient in the English language (spoken and written), since the working language of the Council is exclusively English.
MiscellaneousF.I.C.C. has become an affiliated member of the UNWTO since mid-2019
Regarding the national flag- sets that are used during the International F.I.C.C. and Asia Pacific Rallies, the responsible organizer must provide the appropriate financial replacement for missing or damaged flags and pay to F.I.C.C. the costs of new manufacture or repair.In order to guarantee quality standards and uniform sizes, the production of new flags will be determined by F.I.C.C. 
The Motorcaravaners Commission (MoCa) is pleased to welcome Mr. Andreas Jörn, President of the German Camping Club e.V., as a new member.
CCI InsuranceCopies of the CCI insurance policies for 2020 will be sent to clubs and federations in January.
Website projectF.I.C.C. is working with a web design company to develop a new CCI website.
Trade fairs and eventsIn early November 2019 F.I.C.C. participated at the SETT Salon in Montpellier / France.
F.I.C.C. World CongressThe second F.I.C.C. World Congress is planned for the end of October 2020.
NEXT MEETINGOn 7th and 8th of March 2020 in Brussels
10. January 2020
Žinutės: 954
Nuotraukos: 1003
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2013-07-24
Sveiki klubieciai. Kaip jau visiems yra zinoma musu VSI Kemperiu klubas pernai tapo tarptautines federacijos F.I.C.C. nariu. Kaip ir buvo zadeta jau turime F.I.C.C. nuolaidu korteles su musu Kemperiu klubo logotipu. Visiems VSI Kemperiu klubas nariams korteles su draudimu bus nemokamai. Visiems kitiems norintiems isigyti 2020 m sezono F.I.C.C  korteles  bus galima tai padaryti uz simbolini 5 € mokesti. Korteles randasi Vilniuje pas Zenona. Korteliu skaicius ribotas
Žinutės: 954
Nuotraukos: 1003
Koordinatės: 0
Prisijungė: 2013-07-24
Taip pat noriu pranesti jog VSI Kemperiu klubas dalyvaus ES projekte apf.lt Pradine forma yra jau uzpildyta laukiu atsakymo. Mintis tokia jog musu klubas turetu gauti ES lesu siame projekte kurio metu organizuosime kelione po Lietuva su tam tikra programa aplankant  socialiai pazeidziamu vaiku globos namu grupes , tuo paciu supazindinant juos su musu keliavimo budu ir jo ypatumais propoguojant sveika gyvensenos buda ( be alkoholio ir narkotiku)